There are so many turns in trends and advice that sometimes its hard to keep up. One generation is told one thing and the next another and sometimes its hard to determine what is best. The best piece of advice that I have been given when becoming a new parent was to do what 'I' thought was best and to use 'my' instinct. And so through raising the boys that is just what we did.

We looked in to what we were being told by our midwives, nurses and health visitors as well as advice from family, friends, strangers and even information books and the dreaded internet. And from all of that we looked at how we lived our lives and what we thought was best for us and our babies.

We didn't take all and every piece of advice we were given, in fact the main thing we actually used from everything was from our health visitor who told us to use bepanthan on Charlies nappy rash. We've never looked back since.

Its hard when you become a parent for the first time, and only a little easier when you become a parent for the second. But the best piece of advice you can take is to just do what you think is best. Advice is just that, its advice! Its not the law nor a strict set of rules.
Unfortunately babies don't come with instruction manuals, although we all wish they did. And from the minute they are born through the toddler years, puberty, teenage tantrums, everyone will have their two pence as to what you should be doing. By all means listen to it. They give advice from experience, data and stories. But adapt it to what is best for you! 
If you don't want to wake your baby up in the middle of the night because they've slept more than 4 hours without a feed then don't, you know what will work in your set up.

Taking advice from professionals, parents, books and internet can be a life saver and can give you gems that you'll be so glad you found (seriously try bepanthan!) But the main reason why I have rambled on for a whole post is to tell you to just trust your maternal instinct. You have it for a reason and your doing an amazing job.

Ellie x
