What I miss about pregnancy.

People always tell you when your pregnant about how much you will miss it. Its true! I was really lucky to have quite an easy pregnancy from day one I had a really great time and now I really miss it. I really bloomed whilst I was pregnant with Charlie, not only did I actually feel fantastic health wise it showed. I have read so much about pregnancy from people who are currently going through the experience but as soon as the baby is born it seems like people forget in a way. My time being pregnant with Charlie was the best experience of my life so far, I felt amazing and felt truly blessed to be having a baby growing inside of me.
There are so many things I miss about my pregnancy that I can't wait to experience again, as well as things that I am so grateful for having happen to me that I hope I will experience again. Every single pregnancy is different and I am so aware of how different my next pregnancy could be that I just pray that it goes as simple as this one went.

#1 Miracle of life.
I didn't truly understand the meaning until I became pregnant and felt it. It is such an incredible thing to experience that I just can't wait to again have a little life growing inside of me. It is an amazing feeling.

#2 Kicks and wiggles.
I really miss feeling Charlie move around and kick me. Now I just get actually kicked! But I loved feeling him move around inside, it made me smile every time and was a special thing that only I could really experience.

#3 Having a healthy pregnancy.
I felt amazing during my pregnancy, so amazing that I in fact lost weight and was the healthiest I think I have ever been. My skin was amazing, my hair and nails grew and looked great and not only that but all my ailments that I have had for years cleared right up. I was so lucky to have such a healthy pregnancy.

#4 Attention.
I will admit that at times being pregnant had its perks. I got to be lazy and not feel guilty for it! I used to get away with doing so much that at the time I would be so annoyed I couldn't do it but would really be glad that I got to miss it out. Now though I feel like I am having to make up for all those dog poo I never had to pick up cause I found it so hard to bend down. BUMMER!

#5 Being fat and having an excuse.
One of the best aspects of being pregnant was the fact that my body got bigger and for that I was excused for not having a super slim, toned body! I got to wear figure hugging outfits that looked good because of my pregnant bump instead of clinging to blobby bits.

I loved being pregnant! Yes I suffered badly from heart burn, suffered from aches and pains, suffered from a bad back. But being pregnant was the most incredible experience. Being a mother is just as great! How did you feel about your pregnancy?
