Home Corner #1 Storage

Ever since getting my own house last year Ben and I have been slowly but surely doing it up. Because it is starting to get to a stage where I am proud of it I thought every so often I would show you a corner of my home.
For the first edition of Home Corner I want to show you my storage area.

Unfortunately the loft is not able to withstand any weight and therefore we can't store anything up there. At the moment we have some boxes of things in our back bedroom but for things we want easier access to we have this.
Before we moved in this was just a normal little place that is opposite to our back door. Peppers cage is on the floor there as it fits perfectly but other than that it was a pretty pointless waste of an area. Then we came up with the idea to install shelves to store things we wanted that we didn't want in our everyday eye view.
For a couple of months stuff has just been sat on the shelves until last week when I spotted these beautys in none other than Poundland! I immediately picked up three of each colour knowing they would be perfect here. I love the pop of colour it gives the space and everything is finally stored away nice and tidy.

In each of the boxes we have placed:
#Odd electrical bits - cds/extension leads/memory sticks.
#First aid, medical box.
#Notepads and papers.
#Pens, pencils and crayons.
#Craft items.
#Sandwich boxes
#Wedding magazines and planning bits
In the two clear boxes at the bottom we store our towels as this room leads in to our tiny bathroom.
I am super happy with how this looks and feel so much happier about things being put in their own certain place that is out of eyesight. I can't wait until we paint this little area which I think will make the colours really pop.

I hope you've liked this little insight into our home. I'm really looking forward to more of these posts showing you little bits of how we like things. Even though our home is a rented property we are really lucky to be able to update it as we like. Leave me a comment letting me know what you think of our little storage area and tell me what you do for storage.

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