Daughter, Sister, Fiancee, MOTHER!

Hello everybody!

I thought today I would do a bit of a personal post. Its been 6 weeks since my amazing little human was born and what a great 6 weeks they've been! But its not all been clear sailing.
You hear about how different your life will be when your little one arrives and you expect it to in so many ways, but one way I didn't expect to change as much as it would was my persona.

All your life you have been a certain way, with only yourself to really look after. But as soon as Charles arrived I became a Mother and I don't think I was prepared for the change. I was no longer just a Daughter or a Sister or a Fiancee, I was something much more.

Don't get me wrong, I love this new part of me, and I love Charlie more than I could ever imagine but its still such a strange transition. I used to get up and go to work, look after the house, cook meals for myself and Ben and look after my adorable puppy. Yet now days consist of waking up when Charlie wants to, and working my day around looking after him making sure he is fed and clean and entertained and what is hard to believe is that it is only going to become harder the older he gets.
I am so lucky to have such a massive support system of not just my family and friends but also Bens. 

What I am trying to get across is that its not as easy as adding a new name to your list, it takes time to come to terms with it and I will admit I'm still not all there. And that's ok!!
Becoming a parent is one of the biggest changes you could ever go through in life so expect it to take a while to get used to.

this was taken when we were still in hospital.
Love to all!

