The Christmas Tag

Hello blogland!

I've decided to transform a YouTube tag into a Blogland tag and do #THE CHRISTMAS TAG from the YouTuber Pointless Blog.
I love Christmas so much, for me it is the best time of the year and any excuse to talk about Christmas is a bonus for me :)
Here goes.

Use one noise to show how excited you are for Christmas.


What is the best Christmas present you have received and why.

I think in recent years my favourite Christmas present must be my engagement ring. Last Christmas I was asking and asking why I hadn't yet received my Christmas card. It turned out that after I had opened all of my Christmas presents off Ben he went upstairs came down with a MASSIVE card. I opened the cardboard envelope and saw the 'To my fiancée', turned around and he was on his knee with the most gorgeous ring. Of course I said yes and after a bit of crying and hugging I was told to read inside the card which had his full proposal in. It was a great day!

What's the worst present you have ever been given and why.

I feel bad for this one but I think my worst Christmas present must of been a poncho Christmas 2011. I haven't wore a poncho since I was really young and have no idea why I would of given off the poncho wearing vibe. What made it worst was the fact it was the present I was allowed to open on Christmas eve (we are always allowed to open one present the night before) so I was really excited to open it. I loved the thought of it and was grateful for the present but it wasn't the best one id ever received.

Sing a line from your favourite Christmas song.

* on a lucky one, came in eighteen to one, I've got a feeling this years for me and you, so Happy Christmas, I love you baby I can see a better time when all our dreams come true.*
I love this song so much and it just so happens that so does Ben, and we've some very funny moments singing the parts to each other dancing along. Very happy memories :)

What is your favourite Christmas film.

Ooh now this is a hard one. Every Christmas I have to watch certain films as soon as I can in the season to get me into the spirit. These include... Muppets Christmas Carol. Santa Clause. + Jingle All The Way.
However I will say that my all time favourite film I haven't seen in years and cant seem to find a copy of it ANYWHERE. It was made by the BBC and is called 'The greatest store in the world.' I just love it and it brings back so many childhood memories.

Show us how you wrap a Christmas present.

Here comes the blue peter reference. Here is one I made earlier.

If you could rename one of Santas Reindeer what would you name it.

I would rename Rudolf. I think as head reindeer he gets all the glory and I feel sorry for all of the others so I would rename him. Red!

What is your favourite thing about Christmas.

I love everything about Christmas. The cold weather nights, the Christmas lights in all the windows and towns, the Christmas themed hot chocolates, and most importantly spending time with all of my loved ones. :)

So that is it. Completed. As I don't really know anybody in blogland yet I nominate anyone that reads this post and would like to take part.
Please tag me in it if you do so I can check out your answers to all the questions.

Until next time x
